How to order rosettes
Orders can be placed by:
When ordering, please specify the following:
Date Required
Rosette catalogue code or the type of pleat & number of tiers
Colours required for each tier/tail -
Colour of centreboard
Any printing requirements on centres and tails
Any special ribbon/tail requirements
Type of fastening, e.g. metal safety pin, bridle hook, string tie or sticky pad
Delivery Address
Any other instructions
Payment is required prior to the commencement of the manufacture of the rosettes (a pro forma invoice is available if required).
Payment Options
By Bank Transfer - The quickest, cheapest way to pay. We will provide our bank details on confirmation of order.
By Cheque - Please make cheques payable to "The Rosette Company" and forward to the address above.
By Credit Card - We can accept payment via PayPal, which is a secure and safe method of making payments over the internet.
To use this facility please forward an e-mail address to which we can send a PayPal invoice. (Transaction charges apply)
01246 731204 or 07795 512747
Sheeplea Cottage Farm
Baslow Road
S42 7DD

If you require any further help or assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. We are happy to provide free written quotations on request.